BERGEN: How to write about your work

Dates: Monday 23rd October, Monday 30th October, Monday 6th November
Time: kl.16-19
Place: Bergen Assembly Office, Halfdan Kjerulfs gate 4

To some extent, every artist is also a writer. We have to contextualise our practices within multiple different scenarios and cater to different audiences. There are many ways to speak about one’s work, the most popular being International Art English. There is a time for this type of writing – within academic contexts, certain funding applications – but is this use of language the best for all scenarios? Are there more creative ways in which we can look at the artist statement that reflects the work itself? Do we have to have just one statement, or can we have multiple different options of how to present ourselves for different contexts and audiences?

In this three part workshop, artist and writer Samuel Brzeski will explore different strategies for writing about your work, focusing on the artist statement. We will discuss the work of others, write together, and gain various new tools and approaches to draft and edit artist statements. The workshop will be run in English, but feel free to write in whichever language you choose. Whilst it is beneficial for you to attend all three sessions, if you can only make some or one of them, this is also fine, but those signing up to the full series will be prioritised.

The content of each workshop will be tailored to the needs of the participants, so that both inexperienced writers and those who feel more confident writing about their work can all get something out of it. A few readings will be sent out in advance, and the sessions will be based around discussion and a few writing exercises, with some exercises to complete between sessions, but you can participate as much or as little as you like.

Application / Registration

Samuel Brzeski is an artist and writer working with language as raw material—through text, voice or otherwise performed. He runs the art writing collective and publishing platform TEXST, works with Lydgalleriet as a writer and editor, and regularly publishes hybrid texts and art writing on various platforms, including Contemporary Art Stavanger, where he was writer-in-residence in 2022.

We are very grateful to Bergen Assembly for hosting this workshop!

(NB: The workshop will not be filmed)