OPEN CALL: Portfolio presentations Bergen September 9

OPEN CALL: Portfolio presentations, Bergen
VISP hereby invites its Bergen- and Vestland-based members to a portfolio presentation with a panel consisting of curator Nathanja van Dijk (Amsterdam), gallerist/curator Jacek Sosnowski (Warsaw gallery Weekend/Warszawa) and Trude Gomnæs Ugelstad, artistic director at Sørlandets art museum/Kunstsilo.

The portfolio presentations will be held on Friday 9 September at Hotel Grand Terminus from 11 am to 4 pm, presentations to be held in English.

-You only need to FILL IN THIS FORM with your email address, link to your website and CV by August 24. If necessary, you can be asked to send images of recent works.
-When the deadline has passed, the information is forwarded to the curators, they will decide who they would like to meet.
-VISP sets up the schedule for the presentations and will contact the artists that the curators select. If you are among the selected, you will be notified at least 1 week before the meeting.
-All types of artistic expressions are welcome.
-You will get fifteen minutes to present your own art, you choose what you want to focus on.
-You can choose whether you want to present a physical or digital folder, projector will be available.

NB: You must be registered as a member of VISP at the time you submit the application. If you are not a member of VISP, your application will not be processed, check here to see if you are registered as a member.
We have an intention that Portfolio presentations helps to create future collaborations and exhibitions for our members, we will also do a second Portfolio presentations during B-open with three other curators.

The panel:
Nathanja van Dijk works as independent curator and advisor. Until 2021 she was the executive director of Kunsthal Rotterdam, one of the leading cultural institutions of the Netherlands. In 2014 she co-founded A Tale of a Tub in Rotterdam, and served as its director until 2019. The institutes program is centered around questions of how art can contribute to our understanding of present-day social, political, and ecological issues. Previously she was artistic director of Frankendael Foundation in Amsterdam (2012–2014) and of Concordia 21rozendaal in Enschede (2010–2012).

Jacek Sosnowski – curator, producer, psychoanalyst. Co-Organizer of Warsaw Gallery Weekend. Since 2007 director of PRPGND (former Propaganda gallery) in Warsaw. Author of several art-branding strategies and projects. Currently developing «We, You and Us»(with Ibrahim Quraishi), and «Południca»(interdisciplinary exploration of Balto-Slavic landscape).

Trude Gomnæs Ugelstad is the artistic director at Sørlandets art museum /Kunstsilo. Over the last 20 years she has held senior curator – and management roles at several national arts institutions in Norway. She is chair of Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA), and has initiated and produced visual art and design projects in close collaboration with embassies worldwide. She is working closely with the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and the Arts Council in Norway as chair for State Artist Grants. She served at the international and European board of World Crafts Council for six years.

The portfolio presentations are supported by the county of Vestland.

(Here´s some advice on how to present your portfolio!)

NORSK: VISP inviterer med dette sine bergens- og vestlandsbaserte medlemmer til mappevisning med et panel bestående av blant andre kurator Nathanja van Dijk (Amsterdam), gallerist/kurator Jacek Sosnowski (Warsaw gallery Weekend/Warszawa) og Trude Gomnæs Ugelstad fra Sørlandets kunstmuseum/Kunstsilo.

Mappevisningen avholdes fredag 9. september på Hotel Grand Terminus fra kl 10 til 16 og den vil foregå på engelsk.

-Du behøver kun å FYLLE UT DETTE SKJEMA med din mailadresse, lenke til hjemmeside og CV innen 24. august. Ved behov kan du bli spurt om å ettersende bilder av nyere verk.
-Når frist er utløpt videresendes informasjonen til panelet, de velger selv hvem de ønsker å møte.
-VISP setter opp kjøreplan for arrangement og kontakter kunstnerne som kuratorene velger ut. Hvis du er blant de utvalgte, får du beskjed minimum 1 uke før møtet.
-Alle typer kunstneriske uttrykk er velkommen.
-Du får femten minutter til å presentere eget kunstnerskap, du velger selv hva du ønsker å fokusere på.
-Du kan velge om du ønsker å presentere en fysisk eller digital mappe, projektor er tilgjengelig.

NB: Du må være registrert som medlem i VISP på det tidspunktet du sender inn søknad. Dersom du ikke er medlem av VISP vil søknaden din ikke behandles, sjekk her om du er registrert som medlem.

Vi har en intensjon om at Mappevisninger er med på å skape fremtidige samarbeid og utstillinger for våre medlemmer, vi vi også kjøre en annen Mappevisning under B-open, da med tre andre institusjoner. VISP dekker reise og opphold for kuratorene, men har ingen påvirkning på hvilke kunstnere som velges ut og hvordan et evt videre samarbeid mellom kunstner og gallerist/institusjon/gallerist vil utfolde seg.

(Her kan du få tips til hvordan du skal presentere egen mappe!)